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    CN / EN

    Warmly welcome experts from the Ministry of Education to visit and inspect Huayi

    • 2024.06.04
    • Publisher:
    • times

    To evaluate the joint internship base of Huayi Pharm and Hefei Normal University, further deepen and broaden the school-enterprise cooperation, and promote in-depth and practical social practice for students, fostering mutual benefits, Sun Zhendong, Dean of the Labor Education Research Institute of Southwest University, along with Peng Zhizhong, Director of the Teaching Quality Monitoring and Evaluation Center of Hunan University of Technology, led a team to our company for an on-site inspection on the afternoon of May 27th. 


    Our Director of R&D, Cao Cheng, accompanied the two experts to tour the Analysis Center, Utilities, and Technical Center of Huayi, to understand the various facilities and specific conditions of the student internships, and engaged in in-depth exchanges. 


    Cao Cheng, introduced the profile of Huayi Pharma and the details of our implementation plan for the jointly established internship base to the experts and leaders. Subsequently, the two experts highly praised Huayi’s facilities, management, and teaching practices, acknowledging the concrete results achieved. They believe that the cooperation between both parties is not limited to student internships but also includes technical research and development, talent cultivation, project cooperation, and other aspects. This comprehensive cooperation model significantly promotes students' career development and the company's technological innovation.

    Huayi will continue to strengthen cooperation with Hefei Normal University, jointly exploring more opportunities for collaboration, to achieve mutual development and continuous progress in the industry.

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