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  • bingqiu0.com.cn-精精国产xxxx视频在线播放,国产裸体美女永久免费无遮挡,gogogo免费观看国语,久久人妻无码一区二区

    CN / EN
    Dedicated CDMO services
    • Professional and dedicated

      Professional procedure to carry out CDMO business efficiently with more than 10 years’ experience in providing preparations for Chinese and EU markets and ability to help customers build MAH management system.

      Holding no MA and 100% dedicated to providing customers with professional and efficient CDMO services; Completing CDMO business with quality and quantity guaranteed by strict performance of contract

      Focusing on the confidentiality system to strictly protect customers' business and technical secrets

    • Integrity

      Fulfill the projects and orders as planned and agreed to safeguard the customers' interests

    • Dedicated in R&D
      Services including research and production of various generic drugs; drug synthesis/preparation exploration and clinical batch production 
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